Our offer



Share you idea with us and we will make it work

We build „all kinds” of software either from scratch (idea) or from a given design. It does not matter if it is a relatively complex solution or a straight-forward application you are looking for. Our experience includes but is not limited to:


Together we can find the right approach for the job

Since software projects and companies can vary a lot we are able to accommodate to your particular approach or suggest one. We tend to start the cooperation with the least complicated Time & Materials models and after learning how to work with a particular customer we can move to more sophisticated models e.g. Fix Price or Outcome Based. Among others we offer:



We are technology-agnostic

It means we are unbiased towards the use of any specific technologies to solve your business problems. We support the notion that there is no “one size fits all” for a particular problem and we always tend to pick the best (considering all the requirements) technologies for the job. On the other hand most of our experience and references comes from the Microsoft or JavaScript technologies such as:

We are currently open for new projects.

Have an idea? Let's talk!


The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing!

Bespoke software

If your need is to simply have your product created for you or with you we will be more than happy to help you. Most of our experience is related to product development and end-to-end software development and support. The way of cooperation could vary from customer to customer but we are responsible for the product or project outcome. At the minimum, we require one dedicated person (accountable, involved) from your organization to be our Product Owner and we can start the development within weeks.

Agile Extended Teams

One of the approaches to Software Development which is well tested with our customers is to enhance their teams with our team members. In this model, we are basically building one dedicated (but distributed) team that is designated to develop one product only. It works if you simply need additional skills, more manpower within your team or you need e.g. to „follow the sun”. We can help to set up and run such a team as all of us have vast experience in such a setup.


If you need a simple body leasing or „quick help” we are open to cooperation. Simply let us know who you need and we will delegate one of our People to work with you. We tend to have some of our employees unoccupied for periods of time so it could be a good way to simply start the cooperation and then grow it into more sophisticated models. We’ve done that before.

Development process optimization

If you have challenges with your development process our team of highly skilled professionals will be a great driver of change within your company. Whenever your goal is to create a new product, shorten your time to market, enhance productivity, decrease waste and overall development costs, enhance quality we are here to help. We are strong believers in Agile and we are well suited to create an Agile development environment within your company or participate in an existing one.
